Moment Poetry: year ONE in review

The very first poem in the Moment Poetry series – Last Tuesday by Gabrielle Clover – came out in May 2020. A year later, the series now includes eight poems, each of which adds something special to the mix.
Over the past 12 months, we’ve had the privilege to read hundreds of submitted poems and get to know some of their authors. In the end, we’ve had the honor of helping the following eight poems find a wider audience through Moment Poetry:
Last Tuesday by Gabrielle Clover (MoPo #1, May 2020)
A Cottage in Nova Scotia by Carter Vance (MoPo #2, September 2020)
Salt and Vinegar by Steve Denehan (MoPo #3, September 2020)
Night Settles by DS Maolalai (MoPo #4, November 2020)
The Problem with Magic Shows by Cora Ruskin (MoPo #5, December 2020)
The Moon Over My Mother’s House by Laurie Kuntz (MoPo #6, January 2021)
Ode to a Young Screech Owl by Trish Hopkinson (MoPo #7, January 2021)
Chestnut Tree by Anna Blasiak (MoPo #8, March 2021)
Each poem is signed by its author and carries a quote in his or her handwriting on the cover, highlighting the personal connection between the author and the reader.
Combining two creative efforts into something new and complete is what we’ve enjoyed the most. Matching a poem with the right piece of visual art hasn’t been easy in some cases but thanks to the talented artists who took upon this task, the final result was always worth it.
We’re grateful for each poem which we can send out into the world and are looking forward to adding more poems to the series in year two.
Thanks and enjoy the moment!