The girl behind (most) of the illustrations

Each of the poems we publish is accompanied by an original illustration or art work which tries to capture its emotion or atmosphere. Berenika Polomová, a young artist from Slovakia, is the author of the art work for several poems and we thought it would be a good idea to introduce her briefly.
Where do you find inspiration for your art and design work?
I would say I don’t have a specific source of inspiration. Usually a vision of an artwork suddenly hits me and then I try to capture it the best I can. It can be very tricky because it’s impossible to draw it exactly as I envision it. But I try to concentrate on the emotion and the atmosphere that I’m feeling and capture that. I would say I am mostly inspired by moments and my emotions.
What is the most difficult part about trying to find the right visual expression of a poem?
Very often I know WHAT to draw but I don’t know HOW to draw it or I am not happy with the artwork’s atmosphere. In order to find the right visual expression of a poem you have to choose the right medium, the right composition and the type of drawing – whether it’s going to be detailed or just a single-line drawing. Therefore I would say the most difficult part is to find the right combination of these features.
I would say I am mostly inspired by moments and my emotions.
Berenika Polomova
Do you have any favorite(s) among the poems you have worked on so far?
I think my favorite is Night Settles by DS Maolalai. This one was quite difficult to illustrate but I am very happy with the final result.
Do you have a dream job or a project you’d love to work on in the future?
To tell the truth my dream job is owning a bakery with a cafe. I’ve had this dream since I was 16.
Where can we find more of your work?
I share some of my artworks on instagram brnk_art and my baking and cooking creations are on brnk_food.
Moment Poetry poems illustrated by Berenika:
- MoPo #2 A Cottage in Nova Scotia by Carter Vance
- MoPo #3 Salt and Vinegar by Steve Denehan
- MoPo #4 Night Settles by DS Maolalai
- MoPo #7 Ode to a Young Screech Owl by Trish Hopkinson
- MoPo #9 Late Life Love by RC deWinter
- MoPo #10 A Sculpture Garden by Elisa Subin